
Beat the summer gridlockalypse with Morpheus cycle couriers -coming to Weymouth and Portland soon!

Beat the su m mer gridlockalypse with Morpheus cycle couriers -coming to Weymouth and Portland soon! Welcome to Morpheus couriers - Weymouth chapter - bringing you  your dreams, fast. We will get whatever to wherever in Weymouth and Portland district within an hour* +. Be it  Medicine, take away, booze, shopping, train tickets, legal, documents, data, or anything (within law and weight/volume limit) * shopping/foraging/searching and other package acquisition time not included and incurs additional charge.. + zone A only, within 1 hour of time slot booked. Zone A £5; (1 hour guarantee £7) Zone B £10; Zone C 15; Extrazonal £££POA ... YES thats right, we'll grab takeaway, shop for you and pick up the meds and bring them to your door  for a fiver  or within an hour, for seven quid. (zone A) whether it's rush hour and there's loads of badly timed roadworks and idiots everywhere, in summer, or not...  Morpheus couriers - delivering dreams, in an hour, fo
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